Strengthening the Pineal Through Higher Solar Imagery

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Strengthening the Pineal Through Higher Solar Imagery

One 1½ hour class video
How to Access Class
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Cyclopea and Virginia
Lisa Delaney
English, Español (traducción en vivo)
Free or recommended donation of $3.00
Course Description
How can we awaken and develop the pineal gland? Why is this important? With the assistance of Cyclopea and Virginia, we will explore basic information about the pineal gland, how it relates to the third eye chakra and review conventional wisdom about how to strengthen it. Visual imagery will be a major component of the class, combined with music and meditation to assist us in this process. A few engaging exercises will provide some additional fun and practice. The goal is to improve our spiritual visioning abilities, our connection with our Higher Self and enliven our imagination in order to benefit the Earth.
Course #

Invitation Video

Spiritual Vision and Your 3rd Eye Chakra

The ascended masters suggest that we develop our visioning skills and learn how to hold ourselves and others in the light.

With the assistance of Cyclopea, Virginia, and all of the sponsoring masters of Meru University, we will focus on developing the pineal gland in this 90-minute class. We will briefly explore basic information about the pineal gland, how it is related to the third eye chakra and review conventional wisdom about how to strengthen it. For the fun of it, we will engage in some exercises and see how they work for everybody.

We will review the masters' recommendations regarding the pineal. As the title suggests, we will utilize visuals along with music and meditation to assist us in this process.

Participants will have the opportunity to share their personal experiences after the visual exercises and inner work. The goal of this class is for everyone to begin the process of awakening and strengthening their pineal gland, improving our spiritual visioning skills and enlivening our imagination in order to benefit the Earth.


  Meru University is the education branch of The Hearts Center, a charitable spiritual community
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