How to Spiritually Deal with Crime and Gangs in the Major Cities


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Course Title
How to Spiritually Deal with Crime and Gangs in the Major Cities


One 2-hour video class
Afra, K-17, Godfrey and Lanello
Dorthea Stewart
Free or Make a Donation - Recommended donation US $10.00 or more
Course Description
During this course we explore a synopsis of the major opportunities in our urban cities regarding crime and gang violence. We examine the reasons and conditions that perpetuate these circumstances. Through the wisdom and insight of the ascended masters and students of Meru University, we come together in illumined and loving visions, prayers and meditation to find solutions through our intention and attention to this serious condition within our nation. We emanate, through our heartcenteredness, a perfect thoughtform that will spiritually change our major cities into cities of light, love and brother/sisterhood, and of love, peace and harmony amongst our children and youth in inner cities. Join us for this amazing alchemical experiment of love.

Suggested Reading: Living a Soulful Life: Afra’s New Teaching On Love, Brotherhood, and Freedomi> Volume 1, by David Christopher Lewis, Meru Press 2015
Course #
Heartfriend Wisdom Series

Suggested Reading

Living a Soulful Life: Afra’s New Teaching On Love, Brotherhood, and Freedom Volume 1, by David Christopher Lewis, Meru Press 2015

Click on the book cover to order the book.

Suggested Reading

Living a Soulful Life: Afra’s New Teaching On Love, Brotherhood, and Freedom Volume 1, by David Christopher Lewis, Meru Press 2015

Click on the book cover to order the book.

Living a Soulful Life: Afra’s New Teaching On Love, Brotherhood, and Freedom Volume 1, by David Christopher Lewis, Meru Press 2015

Instructor: Dorthea Stewart

During this course we will explore a synopsis of the major opportunities in our urban cities regarding crime and gang violence. We will explore reasons and conditions that perpetuate these circumstances. Through the wisdom and insight of the ascended masters and students of Meru University, we will come together in illumined and loving visions, prayers and meditation to find solutions through our intention and attention to this serious condition within our nation. We will emanate, through our heartcenteredness, a perfect thoughtform that will spiritually change our major cities into cities of light, love and brother/sisterhood, and of love, peace and harmony amongst our children and youth in inner cities. Join us for this amazing alchemical experiment of love.

MU 1720  Course Fee: Free or Make a Donation