Abiding Within the City of God


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We are forerunners for the New Age with Mother Mary!

Course Title
Abiding Within the City of God: Mother Mary's Teachings to Mary of Agreda—Then and Now
Class Sessions

Ten two-hour audio classes
Mother Mary and Beloved Jesus
David Christopher Lewis and Jackie Fleder
Free or Make a Donation
Course Description
Mother Mary is an archeia and ascended lady master of great attainment. She was the forerunner of the Christic dispensation and remains today our elder sister, showing us how to become the Mystical City of God through humility and great God-desire. This class contains information about her life as the mother of Jesus and how she achieved the complete victory of her mission. We learn about the importance of the Mother Light and how Mother Mary held the balance for the community and precipitated God-vision. Many other points about her life that contributed to her complete God-victory in her mission are discussed, and she expands on the teachings she gave to Mary of Agreda in the book The Mystical City of God, through discourses and darshan with the students.
Course #

Also available
  The 2 CD set with PDF study guide $75.00
  The 2 CD set with a printed study guide $90.00

Constancy and purity of heart are more important than great miracles, money or resources to complete the mission. Mother Mary’s life is an example of how to go through trials and keep the faith. She remained true to her mission and all was fulfilled. Her story inspires us as to how we can individually hold the immaculate concept for the community (disciples), establish The Hearts Center (church) and physically outpicture our collective mission (heartreach and golden crystal age community).

Topics that you will learn that will directly benefit you include:
•    Connecting with the Divine Mother
•    Accessing the Mother Light within and raising the kundalini
•    Becoming a Sun Presence for community
•    Overcoming the dweller, the not-self
•    Understanding and holding the immaculate concept
•    How to precipitate God-vision and fulfill your mission

This class originally took place from February 2 – April 6, 2009


  • Beloved Jesus,  The Mystical City of Your Own Solar Awareness in God  January 30, 2009 Listen
  • For those who are taking part in this Meru University class, you have felt, when you have been open to it, a great influx, a great in-flow of her love and light unto you personally. As a sponsor of The Hearts Center and a magnanimous example of the office of a holy woman, we can look to Mary forever for our guidance, support and leadership; for her angels will continue to procession their way around the earth daily through the giving of our rosaries and our prayers, our Hail Marys, and in every song that we sing of praise to the Divine. For being the archeia of the fifth ray, the very song of the Sun, the canticle of the Divine, is expressed through her voice and through every choir of angels to support the sustaining of life and of our spiritual evolution on this earth and on many worlds. —David Christopher Lewis
  • The key to the Holy City is selfhood in God within the center point [of our being]. So in your meditations you can draw a point, draw a representation of a cube, and within that cube a sphere. The center point is center of both the cube and the sphere. It is a beautiful geometry for meditation on this divine thoughtform. More can be revealed to you as you meditate within the sphere, within the cube, within that center point. How do you collapse your consciousness into that center point without seeing yourself as a human being with a body? You collapse all substance into essence. You collapse all consciousness into being. And that is what is at the center point. You truly only get there through silence. Mother Mary was the extreme and beautiful example of this. —David Christopher Lewis

Required Reading:

Purchase: The Mystical City of God

Order on amazon.com

This book is one of the all-time best sellers among Christians, dictated by Mary herself, with over 100 editions published. Mary of Agreda was known throughout Europe and was an advisor and confidant to King Philip IV of Spain for 22 years.


Download: (caution-large file download)
Download Volume One
Download Volume Two

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Click on the book cover to order the book.

Mother Mary’s Messages: Holiness, Healing and Hope for the New Age Volume 1

Click on image to order

by David Christopher Lewis

From the Queen of the Angels

Mother Mary’s messages are of great relevance in these challenging times. She calls us to prayer, holiness and reflection on our inner lives. In each message, she lifts us up in Spirit and encourages us with her loving immaculate heart and perfect vision to try to see life from a higher perspective and with a more compassionate and loving attitude toward all. Her teachings open the door to transforming our lives and world.   

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Click on the book cover to order the book.

Mother Mary’s Messages: Holiness, Healing and Hope for the New Age Volume 1


Related Resource

Mother Mary’s Messages: Holiness, Healing and Hope for the New Age, Volume 1, by David Christopher Lewis

In this release through Meru Press, Mother Mary speaks to us about life’s holy purpose, our roles as co-creators with God, the importance of sacred ritual, the science of sound, and the law of the I AM. She opens our understanding on the use of the crystal rays, the most optimum way to work with angels, and what it means to hold the immaculate concept.

Mother Mary’s messages are of great relevance in these challenging times. In each message, she lifts us up in Spirit and encourages us with her loving immaculate heart and perfect vision to try to see life from a higher perspective and with a more compassionate and loving attitude toward all. Her teachings open the door to transforming our lives and world.

Click on image to order

Related Resource


Mother Mary’s Messages: Holiness, Healing and Hope for the New Age, Volume 1

by David Christopher Lewis
Click on image to order


Related Resource

Mother Mary’s Messages: Holiness, Healing and Hope for the New Age, Volume 1

/Assets/images/BOOKimg/MotherMarysMessages300h.jpg" style="width: 30%; max-width: 175px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; float: left;" />
3-Minute Course Preview

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