Recent Course - Class 1 and 2 replays are now availble
Meru University Recent Course - Special Darshan with Serapis Bey for Registered Students
Friday, September 15, 7:00 - 8:30 pm MDT - Click banner to access Darshan link and to register
Featured Courses
Featured Replay Courses
Meru University Micro-talkS (MUMS) - Free
Short (approximately 15-minute) video presentations by heartfriends who share their wisdom on a topic of their choice.
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Videos available after the live course date - Click on course title and then click on the course page! For assistance creating an account or accessing a course, please contact
Sundays, November 24 and December 1: The IAM Process: Personal Growth & Transformation (El Proceso YO SOY) with Mary Ann Morningstar, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MST