Courses Catalog

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The Psychology of Love: Unmasking the Blind Spots to Spiritual Freedom (La psicología del amor) with Dennis Fisher on Monday, March 17, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Meditation Symposium: Ancient Meditation Techniques and How to Lead a Meditation Group (Simposio de meditación) with Vernon Coulon on Sunday, April 27, 1:00 - 2:30 pm
Mondays, March 11 and 18: Connecting to the Hindu Feminine Deities (Madres divinas hindúes) with Douglas Jackman, 7:00 pm–8:00 pm MT
Sunday, April 21: Aquarian Essene Healing with Beloved Meta and Hilarion (Sanación esenia acuariana con la amada Meta e Hilarión) with David Christopher Lewis, 11:00 am–1:00 pm MT
Sunday, May 26: Know Thyself (Conózcanse a sí mismos) with Gloria Rojas, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MT
Sunday, July 14: The Tao of Joy: Walking the New Aquarian Eightfold Path (El Tao del jubilo: caminar el nuevo camino óctuple acuariano) with Cathleen Alexander, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MT
Sundays, November 24 and December 1: The IAM Process: Personal Growth & Transformation (El Proceso YO SOY) with Mary Ann Morningstar, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm MST
2021 Meru University Symposia - Click on course title to access the course page!
2021 Meru University Micro-talkS (MUMS) - FREE REPLAYS AVAILABLE - Click on course title to access the course page!
2020 COURSES by CATAGORY - FREE REPLAYS AVAILABLE - Click on course title and then click on the course page!

ALL COURSES by Category- FREE REPLAYS AVAILABLE - Click on course title and then click on the course page!
Adeptship and the Path of Initiation to the Ascension
Alchemy and Abundance
Aquarian Virtues, Values and Divine Science
Art and Music of the Aquarian Age
Buddhic Healing, Awareness and Beingness
Building Communities and Societies of Light
Crystal Rays and the Higher Senses
Divine Love and Twin Flames
Foundational Spiritual Practices for Initiates
Golden-Crystal Age, The New Age and Aquarian Living
Heart Centeredness, Heart Mindfulness, Heart-Soul Connection
Heartfriend Wisdom Series, taught by heartfriends
Permaculture and Elemental Life
Teacher Training for the Aquarian Age
The Human Aura and the Chakras
The Self, The Higher Self and Solar Beingness
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Meru University is the education branch of The Hearts Center, a charitable organization and spiritual community.
August 7: Listening to the Music of the Spheres (Escuchar la música de las esferas) with David Christopher Lewis, , 11:00 am - 1:00 pm MT
September 11: Know Thyself with Gloria Rojas (Conózcanse a sí mismos), 1:00–2:30 pm MT
September 22 and October 6 Symposia: Heart-currents from the Stars and the Immortal Tree of Life (Corrientes del corazón de las estrellas y del árbol de la vida inmortal) with Raphael Fitch, 7:00–8:30 pm MT
October 16: Being a Bodhisattva Today: Where You Fit In (Ser un bodhisattva hoy: dónde encajas tu) with Raymond Ziemkowski, 1:00–2:30 pm MT
November 13: The Wisdom of Khalil Gibran (La sabiduría de Khalil Gibran) with David Christopher Lewis, 11:00 am–1:00 pm MT
December 11: The Alchemy of Feng Shui: Precipitate Abundance! (La alquimia del feng shui: ¡precipiten abundancia!) with Christine Hall, 1:00–2:30 pm MT